The Vaccination Notice

overcoming vaccine mania


For the past several decades the number of vaccinations recommended (or required) by physicians, schools, colleges and employers has increased exponentially. The Center for Disease Control, Inc. launched a program in 2010 called Healthy People 2020 and increasing vaccination rates is a significant part of this well funded program.

Vaccines (dangerous pharmaceutical products that the manufactuers don’t warrant as either safe or effective) are extremely profitable for Big Pharma. So the establishment of policies for schools, colleges and medical facilities that require “up to date” vaccinations is a virtual economic windfall for the industry. Let’s not forget that the words “do not harm living men, women or children” are not included in Big Pharma’s corporate charters.

As vaccination recommendations, requests and requirements mount, we will need new ways to protect ourselves from “Vaccine Mania”. A simple no thank you is not likely to be effective in the very near future. We are going to have to place our well-informed decision to reject vaccines on the record. The creation of a legal notice can accomplish this.
The concept of notice is critical to the integrity of legal proceedings. Due process requires that legal action cannot be taken against anyone unless the requirements of notice and an opportunity to be heard are observed.

The Vaccination Notice also allows you the opportunity to educate those requesting the vaccination – as an enormous system of propaganda regarding vaccines has been in place for a very long time.  For the most part those requesting vaccinations believe these toxic concoctions are benign and beneficial (safe and effective). Most vaccination requesters don’t know or understand that:

  • The public health department, the CDC and the state are all corporations. Basically our entire government is a franchised network of corporations.
  • Physicians get more money for each ‘fully vaccinated’ child in their practice.
  • Those manufacturing and administering vaccines have been given an exemption for liability should these concoctions cause injury, illness or even death. This unjustly places the costs (liability) of any injury or loss onto the parent, patient, student or employee – not on the vaccine requester.
  • Most vaccine requesters intentionally withhold the vaccine package insert thus denying the parent, patient, student or employee real information about the health risks they are being asked to take. There are even documented cases of parents being jailed for injuries that resulted from childhood vaccines – injuries that were listed on the package insert that the parent never received.

The Vaccination Notice contains all four of the these little known facts.

Notices can be used to address many issues, but the implementation and text changes a bit depending on who you are noticing. Locate the one that best applies to your situation. We have sample notices for the following:

The Vaccination Notice for Physicians or Hospitals

The Vaccination Notice for Schools or Daycares

The Vaccination Notice for Employers or Deans


The entire list of Ten Little Known Facts can be found here.  It is also available as a one page handout for sharing.


35 responses to “The Vaccination Notice

  1. This is great, but what happens when the school, doctor and employer don’t sign the liability (because they won’t) and then the school denies your child entry based on vaccination status, the Pediatrician won’t accept your children as patients unless they get vaccinated and the Job fires you are don’t employ you based vaccination status.

    Don’t get me wrong, it’s good info, but just because they refuse to sign a liability form doesn’t mean they have to let you be a patient, student or employee.

    Liked by 1 person

    • They won’t sign for liability, of course. And, no they don’t have to keep you as an employee. However, if you don’t challenge them in writing, they won’t be forced to consider waiving the requirement. Also, the information on the notice is information neither they – nor their lawyer’s – have. Few know about the liability issue and few know that the science in unsettled.


      • Alicia Pace

        I live in tn and am going thru it with my 4 mth old. He has vaccines at 2 months and wasnt even old enough for tyle ol.. They told me not to give him anything if he got a fever and only bring him in if his fever was 104 or higher.. I have told the daycare worker about not getting him anymore and now they have to check with the state n see if he can stay they if hes not vaccinated.. I understand that he is only exempt from vaccinations is for religious reasons or medical issues.. He started grabbing at his ear so bad a week after his 2 mth shots that he scabbed his ear n side of his head.. My oldest is 10 years and somehow kept a chronic ear infection from 9 mths to 2 yrs old. They put tubes in at 2 and then he started having asthma attacks until he was 3 when he had his tonsils and abnoids taken out.. The only thing they both have in common were vaccines… So now im stuck either w.out childcare or puttin another child through that pain again.. Please help me…


      • Please read the “Overcoming Vaccine Mania” guide on this website. It offers affirmation of your wise decisions and ways to avoid being coerced into permitting doctors to vaccinate your children.


  2. I’m from Indiana, does my state have a different approach? I don’t feel like I have enough information to make an intelligent decision.


  3. I’m in New York, my son starts school starting pre k and will need vaccination shots. I don’t want him to get then what steps do I take?


  4. IM IN North Carolina does my state have exemptions


  5. My son will be born Sept 2017, i need information, my son is not getting any vaccinations.


  6. Susan C Forbes-Frost

    I live in mid central NC and have a 10 year- old son. I have worked professionally in pediatric rehabilitation/ therapy services for over 15 years and currently work with the birth to 3 year population for the therapy services I provide. I have signed a vaccination exemption form at least 3 times when my son began preschool and attended elementary school . My son has received very few vaccinations and when he did receive two separate vaccinations ( one of which was tetanus) it was at the very upper end of the recommended age range. I am very surprised to learn many parents are not informed, or not required to be informed, that there is an acceptable alternative to the recommended vaccination schedule, as offered by most pediatricians. Additionally , most parents are not aware that even if they opt for the vaccinations, a child’s vaccination schedule may be delayed significantly when they have more mature neurological systems and thus help minimize adverse neurological reactions for the recommended vaccination or vaccinations. Also important to recognize is that the child’s parent may decide to only have a bare minimum of vaccinations. I strongly believe it should be required at the state and federal level to educate all parents about the exemption forms available for each state and the option to delay the immunizations as part of the initial conversation on vaccinations with their provider/pediatrician for their beloved child. I meet so many parents who are simply not aware of these options and there are certain children who are more at risk for adverse side affects due to their medical or family histories. Thank you for this opportunity to comment on this very important topic of concern.


    • The way the game is played, physicians DO NOT give parents the info they need for ‘informed consent’. If you are going to permit your child (children) to be vaccinated, ask for and READ the package insert for EACH vaccine they wish to administer.


  7. Brooke Gorsanson

    How long has this form been in use. We took our oldest to the Doctor in 2006 and signed some form refusing VAC’s. Is it the same and should we file a retraction?


  8. I am in Texas and will be having a baby in october 2017. Where should I look for laws and how to get around vaccines. I dont want my baby having them. Thank you!


    • The first hurdle you will have to overcome will be in the hospital when they try to force you to accept the Hepatitis B vaccine for your newborn. Read all about The Vaccination Notice. If it was me, I’d give it to the hospital upon admission.


  9. Would i use the notice for my 2 month old son? Please advise asap


  10. Hello Al I just discovered your Lost Arts recording and have been studying it ever since. My groups here in CA would be very interested in any testimonials you have received regarding the ability to get around mandatory vaccine laws. Have you heard any regarding asking the school to accept liability and when they refuse they are able to attend school? or any other related testimonials for medical? I find this so exciting and intriguing and hoping we can find a way to use to overcome these draconian mandates. Thanks for all your help and hard work compiling the data.


    • Several people have contacted me and used the strategy. However, they never got back to me with the results. However, if my choice was to a) vaccinate or b) resist using a notice, I most certainly would try the notice.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Im in california , i have kids agges from 2-15 years old. They home school. And from my understanding they can be exempt correct? I found the personal forms exemption form. Do I need to give that to them as well for there records just to cover my basis .? And what other forms do i need for my 4 yr old and 2 year old? I found the form and information from this site


  12. What would you recommend for new parents with their first boy? I live in Texas and am not interested and keeping with the vaccination schedule at al!


    • Tell the physician that when the drug companies liability exemption is removed you will consider vaccinations. Also, the “well baby” visits have been setup to coincide with the vaccine schedule. There is no reason to go in if the baby is doing well.


  13. I actually got into this post. I located it to be fascinating and loaded with exclusive points of interest. I like to read material that makes me believe. Thank you for writing this fantastic content. aacecfkddeeaeekd


  14. It seems like everyone is using this for their children (I probably won’t get a response in time) but are these forms liable for adults who are required to get vaccinated for employment?


  15. The source point all must comprehend is the legal name on their (which you think is yours) certified birth certificate that you used to prove your child is theirs is the problem..The created and controls any “person” with a last name…Never use a last name only a first name. If they demand a last name reply if are you claiming im a creation of the state and not of God or my creator i need your evidence that you created me..


  16. I’m from Los Angeles.. there is any way that my kids can have immunizations ? I need help.


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